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Welcome to Screenwriting Staffing's Industry Blog

Screenwriting Staffing
Sep 8, 202010 min read
Andrea Martinez Crowther: filming in Mexico, working with low-budgets, and shooting during COVID
Jacob N. Stuart speak to Andrea Martinez Crowther about making movies in Mexico, attracting known talent, and filming during COVID.

Screenwriting Staffing
May 16, 202021 min read
Hollywood made a deal with Mexico; it's time Screenwriters do, too!
Article on why Hollywood has targeted Mexico and why screenwriters need to take heed. Learn to write for the Latin American Film Market.

Screenwriting Staffing
May 6, 202017 min read
Advancing In A Screenplay Contest Requires More Than Just A Strong Story
Advancing in a screenplay contest requires more than just a strong story. Plot is only half of the judging process during the first round.

Screenwriting Staffing
Apr 23, 202016 min read
Short Films DO Matter; & Why You Should Write One (or Produce One)
Short scripts keep you relevant, inspired, add credit to your resume, and facilitate industry relationships. Shorts should not be ignored.
Screenwriting Staffing
Jun 28, 201821 min read
Navigating The World Of Screenplay Contests: Features, Shorts, & Pilots
The following articles are excerpts from four articles and interviews on our old blog discussing screenplay contests and film festivals....
To view older screenwriting articles, CLICK HERE!
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